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iSchool leadership from each region meets regularly to discuss challenges and opportunities common to their area. Regional approaches to education, research and other matters are described in the regional subpages.

Americas Map.png
Keith Marzullo

Keith Marzullo

North America Regional Chair

University of Maryland


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North American Region

The North American Region include Canada and the United States, to which the iSchools Organization trace their roots. The region also spans countries in Central and South America.

Eurpean - African region Map 2.png

European / African Region

The European region includes countries inside and outside the EU, and also extends into the Middle East and Africa. 


Koraljka Golub

Europe / Africa Regional Chair

Linnaeus University 


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Asia Pacific region Map.png

Atsuyuki Morishima

Asia Pacific Regional Chair

University of Tsukuba


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Asia Pacific Region

The Asia Pacific region is the most geographically broad of iSchools regions, spanning from China in the northern hemisphere to Australia in the southern hemisphere. 

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