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iSchools Research Grants Decision Anouncement

Carnegie Mellon University, The Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

The iSchools organisation maintains a research fund of 20.000 USD for the benefit of its members annually. Members of an iSchool with a teaching position may apply for these funds.

As a general rule, the maximum duration of the funding researchers can apply for will be one year. The amount of funding may vary from $1,000 - $5,000 USD depending on the nature of the project. The iSchools organisation encourages innovative projects involving doctoral research or underrepresented regions especially to apply for the funding. The grant application submission date is 15 December of each year. In 2023 an astonishing number of 21 applications were submitted. The Research Grant Committee has now selected the best four of the really good proposals to be funded in 2024.

The iSchools organisation would like to congratulate: 

Gbenga Adetunla (4.500 USD) Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Strathclyde, UK

Project: "Digital Skills Gap and Training Requirements of Women Professionals in University Libraries In Developing Countries: The Nigeria Focus."

Yang Liu (5.000 USD) School of Information Management, Wuhan University, China

Project: "Research on mining hidden disease information in electronic medical records based on large language model"

Garreth Tigwell (4.980 USD) 

Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Project: "Tools to Improve Mobile App User Interface Design for People with Vision Impairments"


Rachel Tunis (5.000 USD) School of Information, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Project: "Self-Tracking Tools in Invisible Chronic Illness Management: Leveraging Multi-Stakeholder Co-Design to Maximize Reflection & Sense-making"


The iSchools Research Committee consisted of five established researchers of all three iSchools regions: Gobinda Chowdhury (UK), Sanda Erdelez (USA), Ina Fourie (South Africa), Keith Marzullo (USA) and Gillian Oliver (Australia). The iSchools organisation would like to thank the iSchools Research Committee members for their wonderful detailed and extensive evaluation of the proposals.

The start of the iSchools Research Grants application period for 2024 will be announced soon.


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