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Dodge Family Endowed Chair of Technology and Society

University of Michigan, School of Information

The University of Oklahoma, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences

Application Deadline: January 15, 2024.

The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma invites applications in all Applied Social Science and Humanities fields and disciplines for the new Dodge Family Endowed Chair in Technology and Society beginning in August 2024. We are especially interested in applicants whose research connects with societal challenges, inequities, and opportunities presented by technology advancements that impact daily life, social connection, human health and well-being, or the nature of work. This position aligns closely with strategic plans of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences ( and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships ( A successful candidate will be appointed to a Department within the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences that aligns with their expertise. The teaching load will be one course per semester.

For full position details, qualifications, and to apply visit:

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