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Digital Humanities Online Panel - Look to the Future of Digital Humanities

Online Panel: Look to the Future of Digital Humanities

Renmin University of China, Linnaeus University, University of Tsukuba and University College London are co-organising an online panel on Look to the Future of Digital Humanities. The panelists are Koraljika Golub, Atsuyuki Morishima, Jin Gao, Zekun Yang, and Di Wang.

This online panel will discuss current studies and future trends of digital humanities research and education from the perspective of global iSchools.

The organisers welcome everyone who is interested to participate in the event.



Tuesday, November 28, 2023 | 4:00PM - 5.30pm GMT+8 | 9:00AM - 10:30AM GMT+1

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting No.: 885 8710 0971

Passcode: 005589

-The participation in the keynote is free-


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