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CSST Summer Research Institute (Boulder)

Hosted by the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST)

When: 26–30 June 2023 Where: YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO Organizers: Amy Voida & Stephen Voida Deadline: Apply by 20 March, notifications by mid-April.

The CSST Summer Research Institute supports emerging scholars in sociotechnical systems research, including the following:

  • Doctoral students are expected to graduate by the end of December 2024

  • Post-doctoral scholars (or any other position en route to faculty or industrial research positions)

  • Those in their first two years as research-oriented university faculty (start date on or after Aug 2021)

  • Those in their first two years as an industry researcher (and focused on publishing in peer-reviewed literature) (start date on or after Aug 2021)

In order to accommodate the largest possible number of participants from across the sociotechnical research community, individuals who have previously attended a CSST Summer Research Institute are ineligible to apply.

The Summer Research Institute has been an activity of the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems Research (CSST) since 2008. Topics and problem domains of focus in socio-technical systems research include (but are not limited to): personal health and well-being; eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source/innovation, and new forms of work; cultural heritage and information access; social informatics; civic hacking, engagement and government; human-robot interaction; disaster response; cybersecurity, surveillance and privacy; education and learning; information systems; platforms. This is a wide area of coverage, so if your interests are in people/organizations/society together with tech/systems/data and you are (or hope to be) part of intellectual communities such as CSCW, HCI, social computing, organization studies, information visualization, social informatics, sociology, information systems, social media and society, medical informatics, computer science, ICT for development, education, learning science, journalism, and political science, then you fit well with this program and you should apply! And if we’ve missed your topic/community, please apply and tell us about it!

This year, we are delighted to have the following outstanding cohort of scholars joining us as mentors:

  • Sheena Erete (University of Maryland, College Park)

  • Elizabeth Gerber (Northwestern University)

  • Mary Gray (Microsoft Research)

  • Neha Kumar (Georgia Tech)

  • David McDonald (University of Washington)

  • Christena Nippert-Eng (Indiana University)

  • Madhu Reddy (University of California, Irvine)

  • Dan Russell (Stanford University / Xoogler / Free Range Researcher)

  • Michael Twidale (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Additional mentors may include members of the CSST Steering Committee—Morgan Ames (University of California Berkeley), James Howison (University of Texas Austin), Andrea Forte (Drexel University), David Ribes (University of Washington), Katie Shilton (University of Maryland), Jaime Snyder (University of Washington) and Jenn Thom (Code for America)—and/or other members of the research community whose expertise aligns with our institute participants.

Participants will engage in peer networking, roundtable discussion of individual and group research interests, and skill-building tutorials to help participants identify substantive ways that the theories, approaches, and tools within the larger community can advance their work with the design and study of sociotechnical systems.

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