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Call for Dissertation Students in Health Information and Libraries Journal

Impacts of Technology Adoption on Various Users in a Digital Era

Health Information Libraries Journal (HILJ) is a journal of international interest to researchers and practitioners in library and health sectors, published by Wiley and in conjunction with CILIP Health Libraries Group. It is re-launching its regular feature 'Dissertations into Practice'

If you have completed (or are supervising) a dissertation (or indeed any project in connection with your education/ training) related to health information, then they are keen to hear from you.

Dissertations into Practice provides an opportunity to produce a small article (approx. 2500 words) from students' dissertations, and most importantly a chance to reflect upon the importance of your research for professional practice. Past articles have covered a wide range of topics including the use of social media for health information to collection development for bibliotherapy to empowering effective library users in the health sector. All papers present research aim, background context and design, main findings and conclude with a final section to discuss the implications into practice.

Please browse the sample virtual issue which is freely available and which links to the Future Technologies Conference theme of Smart Healthcare.

If you are interested in contributing, please contact Dr. Frances Johnson, Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Languages, Information & Communications, Manchester Metropolitan University with a brief abstract of your project to discuss its potential for publication in HILJ.


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