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Affiliated Teaching Staff for the Introduction to Databases Course

University of Michigan, School of Information

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Application Deadline: November 07, 2023

Affiliated teaching staff for the Introduction to databases course. This course is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Techniques for Software Application Development.

The course's main objective is relational databases, from their creation and querying (including stored procedures and triggers) to access to databases from programs (JDBC). The problems arising from concurrent access to databases and alternative models to the relational model (and their database management systems) are also studied.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering or a related field.

  • Advanced knowledge of database management systems, database design, SQL, PostgreSQL, Java, and JDBC.

  • Professional or research experience in the field of databases.

  • Teamwork capability and a good level of written communication.

  • Having a separate main line of work is an indispensable requirement for the selection process.

Also of interest

  • Ph.D. in Computer Engineering or related field.

  • Teaching experience will be valued at the university level, especially in non-face-to-face settings.

  • Previous experience as a UOC student or affiliated teaching staff will be positively valued.

  • Knowledge of Catalan and/or Spanish.

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