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iConference 2019

Inform • Include • Inspire

The University of Maryland, College Park

Mar. 31 - Apr. 3, 2019

iConference 2019

Total registered participants: 593

Full Research Papers: 44 (acceptance rate 33%)
Short Research Papers: 33
Posters: 92
Workshops: 13
Sessions for Interaction and Engagement: 14
iSchools Partnerships and Practices presentations: 9
Special Panels and iSchool-Related Presentations: 3
Doctoral Colloquium Participants accepted*: 28
Early Career Colloquium Participants accepted*: 21
Undergraduate Symposium Participants accepted*: 42
*not all accepted participants chose to participate

Image by Christian Holzinger

Conference Chairs: Mega Subramaniam, University of Maryland, College Park; Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; Wayne Lutters, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Program Chairs: Michelle H. Martin, University of Washington; Bonnie Nardi, University of California, Irvine

Papers Chairs: Aleksandra Sarcevic, Drexel University; Nicholas Weber, University of Washington

Posters Chairs: Yong Ming Kow, City University of Hong Kong; Eric M. Meyers, University of British Columbia

Workshops Chairs: Gitte Balling, University of Copenhagen; Marianne Martens, Kent State University

SIE Chairs: James Howison, University of Texas at Austin; Kate Marek, Dominican University

Keynotes Chair: Dan Russell, Google, Inc.

Doctoral Colloquium Chairs: Anita Komlodi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Sun Young Park, University of Michigan

Early Career Colloquium Chairs: Hamid R. Ekbia, Indiana University; Dick Kawooya, University of South Carolina

Doctoral Dissertation Chairs: Tawanna Dillahunt, University of Michigan; Volker Wulf, University of Siegen

iSchools Partnerships and Practices Chairs: Elke Greifeneder, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Sean McGann, University of Washington; Timothy Summers, University of Maryland, College Park

Proceedings Chairs: Natalie Taylor, University of South Florida; Caitlin Christian-Lamb, University of Maryland

Student Volunteer Chairs and Mentor: Samantha McDonald, University of California, Irvine; Elizabeth Mills, University of Washington; Nora O’Murchú, University of Limerick (Mentor)

Social Media Chairs: Amelia Gibson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jessica Vitak, University of Maryland, College Park

Undergraduate Symposium Chairs: Matthew Bietz, University of California, Irvine; Yubo Kou, Florida State University

Blue Sky Track Chairs: Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; John King, University of Michigan

Conference Coordinator: Clark Heideger, iSchools Inc.

Conference Management: Mary Kendig, University of Maryland

Program Committee

The Organizing Committee was responsible for the program.

Image by Jason Leung
Sponsors & Partners

National Science Foundation, Computing Research Association, Emerald Publishing, alise, MDPI, Morgan & Claypool Publishing, algorithms, Elsevier, University of Kentucky, University of British Columbia, University of Pittsburgh, National Taiwan University, NVIVO


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