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The iConference is rising to the challenge of bringing networking and social interaction to its virtual venue. We seek proposals for a dedicated Networking track that aims at connecting participants from across the globe and create an environment for engagement and informal get-together.


The Networking convenors have all the range and options available to them to use in a virtual environment. We welcome creative ideas, approaches and topics to bring together peers in a moderated networking session. We can provide a space for learning, reflection, and relationship-building through virtual installations or exhibitions.

Please note that iConference 2023 will have a virtual and a physical component, events for the Networking track will be held at the virtual part of the conference only. Please submit your proposal for the virtual program only.

There will be plenty of networking opportunities on-site in Barcelona, Spain. 

Participation must be open to all conference attendees, with no additional fees.

All accepted events will be held during iConference 2023 in our virtual conference venue SCOOCS; presentation instruction will be provided with acceptance notifications.


Language: English

File type: PDF

All submissions will be made using the secure ConfTool submission system, starting May 23, 2022.




Title: Your event’s descriptive title


Organizer(s): Names and affiliations of the organizers, in preferred order of appearance for the program schedule. We encourage the inclusion of organizers from multiple institutions. 


Abstract: An abstract of up to 150 words that can be included in our program schedule. You are welcome to supply promotional materials such as images, videos, etc. that can be included to the session description and shared on social media.


Description: Event descriptions should address each of the following:


  • Intended Audience: Please state the audience to which your event is designed to appeal and the general themes that your networking session will address.

  • Proposed Format: Describe how your event will be organized and structured. The format is up to you.

  • Engagement: Explain the strategies you will use to engage attendees.

​​Duration: A typical iConference session runs 1.5 hours. Please indicate how many such sessions you expect your event to span.


If you have questions or ideas that need help being fleshed out, please contact the Track Chairs listed below.

Networking Event


Submission portal opens: May 23, 2022

Submission deadline: Sept. 19 2022​

Decision notification date: mid Nov., 2022


All deadlines are in GMT-11 23:59.


Networking Chairs

Katharina Gudat

Networking Chair

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Slava Sterzer_edited.jpg
Slava Sterzer

Networking Chair

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




Contact the chairs listed above with questions about this track.

Contact staff regarding iConference 2023 in general.

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