Tampere University
Communication Sciences Unit
Member Since

The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC) provides a unique, multidisciplinary environment for research and education. We bring together a strong tradition and recognised expertise in the humanities, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and theatre and drama.
The broad spectrum of our disciplines opens up excellent opportunities to deliver multidisciplinary research and teaching across organisational boundaries. ITC has the potential to generate knowledge and solutions to address the complex challenges of our global, digital and multicultural society that is committed to sustainable development.
Our faculty comprises four units: Languages, Electrical Engineering, Computing Sciences and Communication Sciences. We employ over 800 people, and more than 6,000 students are working towards a degree in our four units. In 2020, we conferred nearly 1,000 degrees. To read more about ITC and our 2020 key figures, please see Tampere University’s annual report.