Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
School of Liberal Arts
Asia Pacific
Member Since

The School of Liberal Arts was established on 7 February 1979 to provide general foundation courses in language, sociology humanities, Thai studies, and mathematics to students in all schools of the university. The school has offered bachelor’s degree programs in Thai studies and information science since 1988 and 1993 respectively, while a graduate program in information studies was launched in 2002. In 2005, a certificate program in Chinese language was introduced to meet the country’s demand for international communication.
Sukhothai Studies Center This special project of the School of Liberal Arts supports study and research on the old Thai kingdom of Sukhothai. The educational philosophy of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University is to expand higher educational opportunities for people at all levels. This philosophy corresponds with the distinct thoughts on liberty, opportunity and equality that characterized the prosperity of Thai civilization in the Sukhothai period. Therefore, on the 700th anniversary of the invention of the Thai alphabet by King Ramkhamhaeng the Great of Sukhothai, STOU established the Sukhothai Studies Center to support study the economics, society, politics, and other aspects of the Sukhothai kingdom. The center’s work also includes the promotion and maintenance of arts and culture from the Sukhothai period