Nankai University
Department of Information Resources Management
Asia Pacific
Member Since

The Department of Information Resources Management at Nankai University offers LIS education at all levels in China. With a faculty made up of Internationally and nationally recognized scholars, our department has been creating leaders in the LIS professions for more than 40 years. Our graduates are filling conceivable and emerging roles on the library and information spectrum — as library directors, public librarians, knowledge managers, business information specialist, health informatics experts, government archivists, and other industries that are significant for solving China's critical issues. Thriving as part of the dynamic and innovative Business School, the Department of Information Resources Management endeavors to lead information empowerment and knowledge creation in management theories and practice via active research and collaborations across multiple disciplines, including Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources Management, Marketing, and Information System. We pursue a sustainable growth and development and aim to serve the government, libraries, communities, industries, and non-profit organizations by sharing our knowledge and expertise in LIS.