George Mason University
Department of Information Sciences & Technology
United States of America
North America
Member Since

Information Sciences and Technology (IST)
at George Mason University is dedicated to
nourishing future leaders who can address
one of the greatest challenges facing the
knowledge society: benefitting people and
society through deriving technology
innovation and actionable insights using the
vast reservoirs of information and big data
surrounding us. To innovate the way we
leverage information, we need to understand
the unprecedented level of complexity of
information that surrounds us and discover
generalizable principles and processes
through interdisciplinary research.
To achieve our vision, IST is actively
developing interdisciplinary research areas
and a curriculum that spans our 8 core
research competencies including: AI and
Machine Learning, Data Science,
Cybersecurity, Education Technology, Health
Informatics, Human-Centered Computing,
and Smart Communities.
In IST, we engage and educate the best and
the brightest; conduct cutting-edge research
that integrates humans, information, and
technology to address global problems and