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Full Research Papers

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iConference papers push the boundaries of information scholarship, explore core concepts and ideas, and help identify new technological and conceptual configurations.


Full Research Papers should present new and original research results from empirical investigations and experiments, or from theory and model development. Full Papers must break new ground and provide substantial support for its results and conclusions. Papers presenting a new system design or implications for design are also encouraged. Submitted papers must be original work, not published elsewhere.

iConference Full Research Papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review process, managed by the Full Research Papers Chairs in consultation with the Program Chairs. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. Papers will be scored on innovation, contribution and quality of thought and writing. Submitted papers must be original work, not published elsewhere.  


All accepted papers will be presented virtually during iConference 2025 on the SCOOCS platform in a 20-minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes Q&A; presentation instruction will be provided with acceptance notifications. All authors who presented online will also have the opportunity to present at the on-site program.



Accepted Full Research Papers will be published. The venue for the publication will be announced soon. Authors are also allowed and encouraged to deposit their work into the IDEALS open repository or their school's institutional repository if they so choose.


Best Paper Award

The winner of the Award for the Best Full Research Paper receives a sum of USD 1,000.


Image by JJ Ying
Present, Publ & Award


All papers must adhere to the complete guidelines. Submissions that do not conform to the lengths defined  are subject to desk rejection by the chairs. 

All papers must be original work, not published elsewhere.


All submissions will be made using the secure ConfTool submission system


Length: Up to 6,000 words (excluding captions and references)

Language: English

Template: Springer LNCS template


Pre-Recorded Presentations (optional): Presenters can hand in a pre-record of their paper presentation additionally to their live presentation during the virtual iConference. This recording will be available in the media library of the virtual conference platform for all participants 24/7. Pre-recorded paper presentations are due Feb. 09, 2025 following the guidelines.


Conditions: At least one author of each accepted submission has to register during the Early Bird registration period to present their work at iConference 2025. The organizers reserve the right to withhold publication if these conditions are not met. 

First Submission

First submissions can be uploaded to the ConfTool submission site. The deadline for the first submissions is Sept. 15, 2024.


  • Format: PDF

  • Template: Please follow the Springer LNCS author guidelines.

  • Keywords: All submissions must include at least three keywords.

  • Anonymization: Author-identifying elements must be excluded from first submissions to facilitate double-blind review. Authors are encouraged to cite their own work in the third person, e.g., avoid “As described in our previous work [10], …” and instead use “As described by [10], …”.

  • File Naming: Please use all or part of your paper title as the file name.

Final Submission

Authors of accepted papers will submit a final version containing author-identifying information. Final versions of accepted papers should be uploaded to ConfTool by Jan. 08, 2025.


  • Format: doc, docx or LaTex

  • Template: will be provided soon

  • Keywords: All submissions must include at least three keywords.

  • A signed Consent-To-Publish form is required for all accepted papers and must be uploaded with the final submission. Failure to do so may result in the paper not being published.

  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all substantive content, including numeric and bibliographic data. Manuscripts will not be copy edited by iConference organizers.


Acceptance of a submission is conditional on the completion of changes that were identified during review. In making these changes, authors must adhere to the word limit of 6,000 words in the interest of fairness. If necessary, we suggest having a professional editor help identify redundant words and thoughts.

Papers authors will also provide details of these changes with their final submission. These details will be entered into ConfTool using the open field titled Remarks on This Contribution Section.

Papers that do not comply with the final submission requirements will be removed from the proceedings and not be published.


All accepted papers will be presented virtually on the SCOOCS platform with a 20-minutes presentation followed by a 10 minutes Q&A; presentation instruction will be provided with acceptance notifications.


Presenters can request to present their poster onsite in addition to the virtual presentation. If the author has requested an additional paper presentation slot on-site in Bloomington, at least one author of each accepted submission has to register for the onsite part of the iConference 2025 during the Early Bird registration period to present their work onsite in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. The organizers reserve the right to withhold the presentation slot if these conditions are not met. As with the virtual presentation, onsite presentations  will take 20 minutes followed by a 10 minutes Q&A.




Submission portal opens: June, 2024

Submission deadline: Sept. 15, 2024​

Decision notification date: mid Nov., 2024

Final camera-ready versions due: Jan. 08, 2025

Video presentations submission due: Feb. 09, 2025


All deadlines are in GMT-11 23:59.

Final Submission
First Submission

Full Research Paper Chairs



Full Research Papers Chair



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Full Research Papers Chair





Full Research Papers Chair





Contact staff regarding iConference 2025 in general.

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