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Image by Gustavo Quepón

Climate Action Coalition

The purpose of the Climate Action Coalition is to promote collaborative, intersectional,
interdisciplinary, and impactful climate action-oriented information research within the iSchools
The Climate Action Coalition will bring together researchers from iSchools focusing on climate
change adaptation, climate resilience, climate justice, and climate change mitigation. The coalition
will provide opportunities for sharing transdisciplinary work across iSchools and other disciplines to
enrich our understanding and address climate action challenges. Furthermore, the coalition will
research and disseminate ways in which our discipline can support and enable the change in
organizational processes, policies, and standards that are necessary for societal, governmental, and
global change to avert climate disaster. The Coalition will facilitate communication as well as foster
new partnerships and ideas among these researchers through a broad range of activities including
iConference sessions, online seminars, collaborative projects & research output development.


The iSchools Climate Action Coalition welcomes all members who are interested in climate action
through research, education, networking, and policy advocacy. A dedicated listserv is available to
members of the Climate Action Coalition to stay in touch and share opportunities.

Forming the Climate Action Coalition


With an aim to promote climate action-oriented information research and collaboration within the iSchools organization, the iSchools Climate Action Coalition was formally formed on 29 March 2023 in Barcelona during iConference 2023. The discussion to form this new Coalition was initiated in 2022 and a group of academics from different iSchools member universities joined together virtually to discuss the formation of the Coalition. It was decided that iConference 2023 would be the best platform to get insights from iSchools leaders and academics to form the coalition and identify its initial tasks to create a membership base.
At the formation meeting, iSchools past Chair Dr Gobinda Chowdhury, Executive Director Dr Michael Seadle, iSchools Chair-Elect Dr Gillian Oliver, iSchools Business Manager Slava Sterzer and Program Manager Katharina Gudat and academics from different iSchools member universities were present. The idea of forming the Climate Action Coalition was welcome at the meeting and iSchools Staff committed to support the Coalition.
Dr Khalid Hossain from Monash University, Dr Hui Chen from Central China Normal University, and Isabella Corieri from Syracuse University assumed the roles of initial chairs from the Asia-Pacific and North American regions with a decision to have more chairs from the European, African andSouth American regions.

Meet the Officers

Dr Khalid Hossain_edited.png
Khalid Hossain

Climate Action Coalition Co-Chair

Monash University


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Isabella Lena Corieri

Climate Action Coalition Co-Chair

Syracuse University

United States of America

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Hui Chen

Climate Action Coalition Co-Chair

Central China Normal University


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