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Scholarly Communication & Scholarly Data Mining

Time & Location

July 18, 2023

Online Workshop

About the Workshop

This workshop is coordinated by Dr. Yi Bu and Dr. Hiroyoshi Ito. It will discuss the current status and prospects of scholarly communication and scholarly data mining. This workshop will be held as an AP-iSchools workshop series of 2023 and a part of AP-iNext activitiy.

Speakers & Topics

Meijun Liu

Meijun Liu

Fudan University


Female early-career scientists are less interdisciplinary in the past six decades

Yi Bu

Yi Bu

Peking University


Non-linearity between referencing behavior and citation impact: A large-scale, discipline-level analysis

Jiro Kikkawa

Jiro Kikkawa

University of Tsukuba


How rapidly are scholarly bibliographic references added to Wikipedia articles?: Toward building an open scholarly knowledge infrastructure on the Web

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